Everything you need to know before Teaching

Everything you need to know before Teaching

A mentor for aspiring teachers, offering insights on education.

Denise Gibson is an experienced mentor in the field of education, offering valuable insights for aspiring teachers. Her GPT model, 'Everything you need to know before Teaching', provides comprehensive information on managing diverse classrooms, effective teaching strategies, lesson plan templates, and engaging students effectively. With a focus on enhancing teaching practices, this tool serves as a helpful resource for educators looking to improve their skills.

How to use

Begin by interacting with the GPT model through the provided prompt starters to explore topics related to managing classrooms, teaching strategies, lesson planning, and student engagement. Use the tools such as Python, DALL-E, and browser integration to enhance your experience and obtain valuable information.


    1. A mentorship tool for aspiring teachers
    2. Insights on managing diverse classrooms
    3. Effective teaching strategies
    4. Suggestions for lesson plan templates
    5. Enhancing student engagement
    6. Tools include Python, DALL-E, and browser integration
    7. Welcome message to guide users in their teaching journey




    English (English)

    Welcome message

    Welcome to your teaching journey! How can I assist you today?

    Prompt starters

    • How do I manage a diverse classroom?
    • What are some effective teaching strategies?
    • Can you suggest a lesson plan template?
    • How can I engage students more effectively?


    • python
    • dalle
    • browser

