Educator Ally

Educator Ally

Mentor and coach for educators, focusing on collective teacher efficacy.

Educator Ally, authored by Amy Croxford, is a mentor and coach focusing on enhancing collective teacher efficacy. The platform offers prompt starters, including collaboration strategies, effective school leadership, teaching feedback, and improving teacher efficacy. Users can access tools like DALL·E and a browser, with a welcome message geared toward enhancing teaching and leadership skills.

How to use

To utilize Educator Ally effectively:
  1. Explore prompt starters for collaboration and leadership strategies.
  2. Access tools such as DALL·E and the browser for assistance.
  3. Engage with the welcome message to enhance teaching and leadership skills.


  1. Authored by Amy Croxford with a focus on collective teacher efficacy.
  2. Provides prompt starters covering various educational topics.
  3. Offers tools like DALL·E and a browser for user convenience.
  4. Welcome message tailored to enhancing teaching and leadership skills.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Ready to enhance your teaching and leadership skills?

Prompt starters

  • How can I improve collaboration among my teaching staff?
  • What are some strategies for effective school leadership?
  • Can you provide feedback on my teaching approach?
  • How do I enhance collective teacher efficacy in my school?


  • dalle
  • browser

