Look Up History

Look Up History

A fact-checking expert in history, providing accurate and detailed information.

Look Up History is an AI-powered tool developed by RAKESH NARASIMHAN, providing accurate and detailed historical information. Users can interact with the tool to explore various historical events and topics, such as the French Revolution, Roman Empire, World War II, and the Renaissance. With a focus on fact-checking and history, Look Up History serves as a reliable resource for individuals seeking historical knowledge. The tool is equipped with prompt starters that guide users in initiating historical queries effectively.

How to use

To utilize Look Up History, users can follow these steps:
  1. Initiate a conversation with the tool by greeting it.
  2. Ask questions related to historical events, such as the French Revolution or the Roman Empire.
  3. Engage in fact-checking discussions with the tool.
  4. Explore the significance of various historical periods like the Renaissance.


  1. AI-powered historical information provider
  2. Fact-checking expertise
  3. Interactive conversations on historical events
  4. Prompt starters for historical queries




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! I'm Look Up History, ready to explore the past with you. How can I assist?

Prompt starters

  • What happened during the French Revolution?
  • Tell me about the history of the Roman Empire.
  • Can you verify this event in World War II?
  • Explain the significance of the Renaissance.


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

