Fact Checker

Fact Checker

A meticulous verifier of facts and nuances.

The Fact Checker GPT, developed by ai-gen.co, excels in verifying facts and nuances with precision and detail. This tool is essential for individuals and organizations seeking accurate information verification. Leveraging advanced AI technology like dalle and browser, the Fact Checker ensures thorough fact-checking processes.

How to use

To utilize the Fact Checker effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Visit the Fact Checker tool on ai-gen.co.
  2. Enter the statement or fact you want to verify in the prompt provided.
  3. Wait for the GPT to analyze and provide a detailed verification report.
  4. Review the results for accurate fact-checking outcomes.


  1. A meticulous verifier of facts and nuances.
  2. Prompt starters for initiating fact-checking queries.
  3. Tools integration including dalle and browser for comprehensive analysis.
  4. Welcome message for users providing guidance on using the tool.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! I'm here to check facts with precision and detail.

Prompt starters

  • Is it true that
  • Can you verify if
  • Is this statement accurate:
  • Does this fact hold up:


  • dalle
  • browser

