Peer Writing Buddy

Peer Writing Buddy

Proactive grammar assistant for IT texts, fostering positive communication.

1 conversations
Peer Writing Buddy is a proactive grammar assistant designed to enhance communication in IT texts. It provides tools to foster positive communication and offers prompts to improve grammar and tone in various types of written content. With a browser-based interface, users can receive support in rephrasing, correcting grammar and tone, and improving the overall quality of their writing.

How to use

Utilize Peer Writing Buddy to improve your writing skills and communication tone by following these steps:
  1. Access the browser-based tool provided by Peer Writing Buddy.
  2. Select the type of text you want to work on, such as a GitHub ticket, chat message, or email.
  3. Receive prompts and suggestions on rephrasing and improving grammar and tone to enhance the overall quality of the text.


  1. Proactive grammar assistance for IT texts
  2. Promotes positive communication
  3. Offers prompts for improving grammar and tone
  4. Browser-based interface




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! I'm Peer Writing Buddy, ready to enhance both your grammar and communication tone!

Prompt starters

  • Can you rephrase this to sound more neutral?
  • I need grammar and tone corrections for this GitHub ticket.
  • Help me make this chat message more positive.
  • Please check the grammar and tone in this email.


  • browser

