Email Enhancer

Email Enhancer

Corrects grammar and adds a friendly tone to emails.

100 conversations
The Email Enhancer GPT, created by Noam Grinberg, corrects grammar and adds a friendly tone to emails, making them more approachable and professional. The tool, powered by the DALL-E model and accessible via a browser, assists users in refining their email communications. It provides prompt starters to guide users in seeking improvements and offers a welcoming message to initiate the interaction. Improve your email correspondence with the Email Enhancer GPT.

How to use

Hello! Ready to make your emails friendly and grammatically correct. How can I assist?
  1. Visit the platform where the Email Enhancer GPT is accessible.
  2. Input the email text that you want to enhance.
  3. Choose the prompt starter that aligns with the improvements you seek.
  4. Allow the GPT to process the email and implement the desired enhancements.
  5. Review the revised email and make any final adjustments before sending it out.


  1. Corrects grammar in emails
  2. Adds a friendly tone to email communications
  3. Utilizes DALL-E model for enhancements
  4. Accessible through a browser
  5. Provides prompt starters for email improvements




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Ready to make your emails friendly and grammatically correct. How can I assist?

Prompt starters

  • Can you make this email friendlier?
  • Please fix the grammar in this email.
  • How can this email sound more approachable?
  • Suggest improvements for a professional yet friendly email.


  • dalle
  • browser

