Idea Spark

Idea Spark

A creative assistant for overcoming blocks and sparking ideas with gamification.

5 conversations
Idea Spark is a creative assistant designed by Jacob Thompson for overcoming blocks and sparking ideas with gamification. This tool aims to enhance creativity and provide brainstorming prompts for various purposes, such as developing new tech products, mapping out novel ideas, creating marketing campaigns, and tracking progress with rewards. Idea Spark leverages advanced technologies like DALL-E and browser tools to assist users in generating innovative ideas and overcoming creative obstacles, with a focus on boosting creativity and productivity.

How to use

Ready to boost your creativity? Let's brainstorm together!
  1. Access the Idea Spark platform.
  2. Choose a prompt starter or input your own idea challenge.
  3. Utilize the tools available, such as DALL-E and browser features, for idea generation.
  4. Engage in the creative process, exploring different perspectives and possibilities.
  5. Track your progress and reward your creativity achievements.


  1. A creative assistant for overcoming blocks and sparking ideas
  2. Provides brainstorming prompt starters for various purposes
  3. Tools like DALL-E and browser features for idea generation
  4. Tracking progress and suggesting rewards for creativity




English (English)

Welcome message

Ready to boost your creativity? Let's brainstorm together!

Prompt starters

  • Give me a brainstorming prompt for a new tech product.
  • How can I map out my ideas for a novel?
  • Generate a creative idea for a marketing campaign.
  • Track my progress and suggest a reward for my creativity.


  • dalle
  • browser

