The Pinky and The Brainstormer

The Pinky and The Brainstormer

Active brainstorming assistant for creative idea generation.

9 conversations
The Pinky and The Brainstormer is an active brainstorming assistant designed by A Forster, providing creative idea generation support for various purposes, such as app development, eco-friendly product enhancement, storytelling themes, and innovative use cases of AI in education. It utilizes the DALL-E and browser tools, with a welcoming environment to stimulate idea creation.

How to use

To utilize The Pinky and The Brainstormer effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Access the brainstorming assistant platform.
  2. Select a prompt starter or provide your own topic of interest.
  3. Engage with The Pinky and The Brainstormer's generated ideas.
  4. Refine and further develop the ideas as needed.


  1. Active brainstorming assistance for creative idea generation.
  2. Utilizes DALL-E and browser tools for enhanced performance.
  3. Offers a range of prompt starters for idea inspiration.
  4. Supports various idea generation purposes, including app development, eco-friendly product enhancement, storytelling themes, and AI applications in education.




English (English)

Welcome message

Ready to brainstorm? Let's generate some great ideas!

Prompt starters

  • Can you suggest some ideas for a new app?
  • How can we make an eco-friendly product more appealing?
  • I need a theme for my story, any suggestions?
  • What are some innovative uses for AI in education?


  • dalle
  • browser

