Vibe Crafters | Quick Music Playlist Creator

Vibe Crafters | Quick Music Playlist Creator

Create your Music Playlist in under 5 mins.

7 conversations
Vibe Crafters | Quick Music Playlist Creator is a cutting-edge tool designed by Marc Alexander Rues that allows users to create personalized music playlists in under 5 minutes. With a focus on simplicity and speed, this GPT tool is perfect for music enthusiasts looking to curate their perfect playlist quickly and effortlessly.

How to use

To use Vibe Crafters | Quick Music Playlist Creator:
  1. Access the tool using a compatible browser.
  2. Follow the welcome message instructions to input your genre, favorite artists, current mood in music, and desired song count.
  3. Utilize the tool's capabilities to generate a tailored music playlist based on your preferences.
  4. Enjoy your personalized music compilation hassle-free.


  1. Streamlined playlist creation process in under 5 minutes.
  2. Interactive prompts to guide users in selecting genre, artists, mood, and song count.
  3. Utilizes DALL-E for enhanced music suggestions.
  4. Accessible through a web browser for convenience and ease of use.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi! Quick & fun playlist creation ahead! Share your 1. Genre, 2. Artists, 3. Mood, 4. Song count.

Prompt starters

  • What genre are you feeling today?
  • Which artists are you into lately?
  • Describe your current mood in music.
  • How many tracks for your playlist?


  • dalle
  • browser

