Music Playlist Creator

Music Playlist Creator

Get personalized music playlists tailored to your taste, mood, and occasion.

2 conversations
The Music Playlist Creator is an AI-powered tool designed by WebFootprint that generates personalized music playlists based on user preferences such as taste, mood, and occasion. It leverages advanced algorithms to curate the perfect mix of tracks to suit various scenarios, from workout sessions to dinner parties and focus-boosting playlists. The tool is aimed at enhancing user experience by providing tailor-made music selections that cater to specific needs and moods.

How to use

To use the Music Playlist Creator:
  1. Visit the tool using a browser.
  2. Choose from prompt starters like creating a workout playlist or generating road trip tracks.
  3. Input your preferences based on taste, mood, and occasion.
  4. Enjoy your personalized music playlist tailored to your needs.


  1. Personalized music playlist generation
  2. Tailored to taste, mood, and occasion
  3. Accessible via a web browser
  4. Diverse prompt starters for playlist creation




English (English)

Prompt starters

  • Create a workout playlist
  • Songs for a dinner party?
  • Make a chill vibes playlist
  • Playlist to boost focus
  • Generate road trip tracks
  • Build a study music list
  • Need upbeat morning songs
  • Curate a breakup playlist


  • browser

