Music Playlist Creator

Music Playlist Creator

I create personalized Spotify playlists based on your favorite music categories.

The Music Playlist Creator is a versatile tool that can create personalized Spotify playlists based on your favorite music categories. It uses advanced AI algorithms to curate the perfect collection of songs for various occasions, such as road trips, workouts, romantic dinners, and more. With its user-friendly interface and innovative features, it offers a seamless experience for music enthusiasts looking to discover new tracks and enjoy customized playlists.

How to use

To use the Music Playlist Creator:
  1. Initiate the chat with the ChatGPT expert.
  2. Specify your favorite music categories.
  3. Get a personalized Spotify playlist created based on your preferences.


  1. Creates personalized Spotify playlists based on favorite music categories
  2. Offers prompt starters for various playlist themes like road trips, workouts, and romantic dinners
  3. Utilizes cutting-edge tools like DALL-E and browser integration for an enhanced experience




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi! Tell me your favorite music categories, and I'll create a Spotify playlist for you.

Prompt starters

  • Make a playlist for a road trip
  • Create a relaxing jazz playlist
  • I need a workout playlist with upbeat songs
  • Suggest a playlist for a romantic dinner


  • dalle
  • browser

