Pick Your Own Adventure

Pick Your Own Adventure

Interactive story and visual creator.

Pick Your Own Adventure is an interactive story and visual creator tool designed by Santosh Gupta. With a variety of prompt starters to choose from, users can embark on thrilling adventures in space, medieval quests, jungle explorations, or mystery escapades. The tool utilizes Python, DALL-E, and a browser interface to provide a seamless storytelling experience. Users are greeted with a welcome message inviting them to start their adventure of choice.

How to use

To use Pick Your Own Adventure tool, follow these steps:
  1. Access the tool via the browser interface.
  2. Select a prompt starter to begin your adventure.
  3. Follow the interactive story prompts to shape your journey.
  4. Utilize Python and DALL-E to enhance the visual aspects of your story.


  1. Interactive storytelling experience
  2. Various adventure prompt starters
  3. Utilization of Python and DALL-E for visual creation
  4. Browser-based tool for accessibility




English (English)

Welcome message

Ready to embark on an adventure of your choice!

Prompt starters

  • Start an adventure in space.
  • I want a medieval quest.
  • Create a jungle exploration story.
  • Take me on a mystery adventure.


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

