Scene It

Scene It

Interactive, imaginative story creator.

6 conversations
Scene It by is an interactive and imaginative story creator tool that allows users to craft compelling stories using various prompts and tools. With a focus on storytelling, Scene It offers a unique and engaging platform for users to unleash their creativity and create captivating narratives. Explore this innovative tool to generate captivating stories and spark your imagination.

How to use

To use Scene It effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Access the website or platform hosting Scene It.
  2. Choose a prompt starter or create your own story idea.
  3. Utilize the provided tools such as DALL-E and browser integration to enhance your storytelling experience.
  4. Begin writing your story based on the prompt or idea you've selected.
  5. Edit and refine your story as needed to create a captivating narrative.
  6. Share your completed story with others to showcase your creativity and storytelling skills.


  1. Interactive and imaginative story creation
  2. Diverse prompt starters for story ideas
  3. Integration with tools like DALL-E and browser for enhanced storytelling
  4. Opportunity to explore creativity and narrative skills
  5. Engaging storytelling platform for users of all levels




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to our storytelling adventure! Let's create magic together.

Prompt starters

  • Hi. How does this work?
  • Today, I went to the mall and saw an alien. Write a story.


  • dalle
  • browser

