Commission Calc AI

Commission Calc AI

Helps calculate sales commissions.

Commission Calc AI is a powerful tool created by Denise Gibson to help users calculate sales commissions effectively. It offers assistance in determining various commission structures, including fixed percentages and sliding scale commissions. With a focus on supporting sales teams, this AI tool simplifies the process of commission calculations, making it easier for businesses to manage their sales incentives.

How to use

To utilize Commission Calc AI effectively:
  1. Access the tool using Python, DALL-E, or a browser.
  2. Input the necessary details, such as sales amount and commission percentage.
  3. Receive instant calculations for sales commissions based on the provided information.


  1. Automated sales commission calculations
  2. Support for various commission structures
  3. User-friendly interface for easy input and output interaction
  4. Tools compatibility with Python, DALL-E, and web browsers
  5. Prompt responses to commission calculation queries




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi! How can I assist with your commission calculations today?

Prompt starters

  • Calculate a 5% commission on $10,000 sales.
  • How do I calculate commissions for my team?
  • What's the commission for $5,000 sales at 3%?
  • Explain how to calculate sliding scale commissions.


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

