Formula Wizard

Formula Wizard

Spreadsheet formula helper.

1 conversations
The Formula Wizard tool by Howard Tunley is a spreadsheet formula helper designed to assist users in creating complex array formulas for Excel and Google Sheets. With a user-friendly interface and a focus on productivity, it streamlines the process of analyzing data and creating efficient formulas. By utilizing this tool, users can enhance their spreadsheet capabilities and save time on formula creation and analysis tasks.

How to use

To utilize the Formula Wizard tool effectively:
  1. Access the tool using a web browser or Python script.
  2. Input your specific formula-related query or prompt.
  3. Interact with the tool to receive guidance on creating array formulas for Excel or Google Sheets.
  4. Generate and implement the recommended formulas in your spreadsheet application for enhanced data analysis and manipulation.


  1. Provides support for creating array formulas in Excel and Google Sheets.
  2. Offers a user-friendly interface for interacting with the tool.
  3. Includes a diverse range of prompt starters for various formula-related queries.
  4. Equipped with a welcome message to guide users on utilizing the tool effectively.
  5. Maintained and updated regularly for optimal performance.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hey! Need a hand with Excel or Google Sheets formulas? Just ask away!

Prompt starters

  • How do I sum a column in Excel using an array formula?
  • What's the equivalent of Excel's INDEX-MATCH in Google Sheets?
  • Can you help me create an array formula for analyzing sales data?
  • How do I convert this Excel formula to work in Google Sheets?


  • python
  • browser

