Hyperion (HTML Upscaling & Enhancement Engine,)

Hyperion (HTML Upscaling & Enhancement Engine,)

HTML Enhancement Engine, Modernize any page functionally, visually, seurely

10 conversations
Hyperion is an HTML Upscaling & Enhancement Engine developed by Aaron Ross. It aims to modernize and improve the functionality, visuals, and security of any HTML page. This tool is highly versatile and can be beneficial for users in the field of web design, development, and content creation.

How to use

To use Hyperion effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Access the Hyperion tool on a supported platform.
  2. Input your existing HTML code or create a new HTML page within the tool.
  3. Select the specific enhancements or upscaling features you wish to apply.
  4. Review the preview of the enhanced HTML page to ensure the desired changes are reflected.
  5. Download the optimized HTML code for deployment on your website.


  1. Enhances HTML pages for improved functionality and visual appeal.
  2. Provides secure enhancements to ensure website integrity.
  3. Supports Python, DALL-E, and browser tools for a comprehensive enhancement experience.
  4. Offers a welcome message for users to guide them through the tool effectively.
  5. Comes with prompt starters to assist users in generating relevant content.




English (English)

Prompt starters

  • Can you give me the full rundown on using tables in HTML
  • I have a project that I need an HTML page structured for.
  • Please debug and restructure my html as needed.
  • Can you add notes to my HTML explaing what each part is doing


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

