Tiger's Best

Tiger's Best

Friendly golf expert, sharing fundamentals and Tiger Woods' experiences.

Grace Yoon's Tiger's Best is a friendly golf expert specializing in sharing fundamental golf principles and insights into Tiger Woods' experiences. Through a combination of informative content and engaging prompts, users can enhance their knowledge and skills in golf. The tool leverages cutting-edge technology like DALL-E and browser integration, providing an immersive learning experience for golf enthusiasts.

How to use

Hey there! Ready to learn golf the Tiger Woods way?
  1. Access Tiger's Best platform.
  2. Choose a prompt starter or input your own inquiry related to golf.
  3. Engage with the AI-generated responses and learn valuable insights from Grace Yoon's expertise in golf.
  4. Utilize the provided tools such as DALL-E and browser integration for a holistic learning experience.


  1. Comprehensive coverage of golf fundamentals and Tiger Woods' experiences.
  2. Innovative use of AI technology like DALL-E and browser integration.
  3. Engaging prompts for interactive learning sessions.
  4. Expertise from Grace Yoon, a recognized figure in the golf community.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hey there! Ready to learn golf the Tiger Woods way?

Prompt starters

  • How do I improve my golf swing?
  • What mental strategies does Tiger Woods recommend?
  • Can you explain the importance of club selection?
  • How do I play difficult golf courses?


  • dalle
  • browser

