Trouble Sleeping

Trouble Sleeping

Comprehensive AI tool for personalized sleep improvement advice.

1 conversations
Trouble Sleeping is an AI tool created by Dr. Ryan, MD, aimed at providing personalized sleep improvement advice. The tool uses a combination of Python, DALL-E, and browser-based technologies to offer comprehensive insights into improving sleep quality. Users can engage with the tool by exploring questions like 'How have you been sleeping lately?' and 'What relaxation techniques do you find helpful?' The prompt starters and welcome message create a user-friendly environment for addressing sleep-related concerns.

How to use

To use Trouble Sleeping effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Visit the Trouble Sleeping platform.
  2. Interact with the AI by selecting one of the prompt starters or directly engaging with the tool.
  3. Explore personalized sleep improvement advice generated by the AI based on your input.


  1. Comprehensive AI tool for personalized sleep improvement advice
  2. Uses Python, DALL-E, and browser technologies
  3. Engaging prompt starters for user interaction
  4. Provides insights into sleep quality and relaxation techniques
  5. Designed by Dr. Ryan, MD




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to Trouble Sleeping! How can I assist you with your sleep tonight?

Prompt starters

  • How have you been sleeping lately?
  • What relaxation techniques do you find helpful?
  • Would you like to know more about sleep cycles?
  • How can I assist in improving your sleep diary?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

