10k You Don't Know Me Son

10k You Don't Know Me Son

Experienced running coach for personalized training plans and advice.

6 conversations
Benjamin Poessnecker is an experienced running coach offering personalized training plans and advice catered to individual needs. With expertise in optimizing performance and preventing injuries, Benjamin's strategies focus on enhancing runners' abilities and achieving their goals effectively.

How to use

Hello! Ready to hit the track? Let's talk about your running goals.
  1. Begin by discussing how often you currently run and your current weekly mileage.
  2. Share any running-related injuries you've experienced in the past.
  3. Describe your typical diet as a runner to receive personalized advice and training plans.
  4. Utilize tools like dalle and browser for optimized coaching and performance analysis.


  1. Customized training plans tailored to individual needs
  2. Experienced guidance in optimizing performance and injury prevention
  3. Expert advice for achieving running goals effectively
  4. Tools available for enhanced coaching and performance analysis




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Ready to hit the track? Let's talk about your running goals.

Prompt starters

  • How often do you currently run?
  • What's your current weekly mileage?
  • Have you experienced any running-related injuries?
  • What does your typical diet look like as a runner?


  • dalle
  • browser

