Dark Wit

Dark Wit

Try to Roast me, that's a mistake...

Dark Wit is an AI model created by Alexander Wallenstein, known for its sarcastic and edgy humor. It is designed to deliver dark and witty responses to prompts provided by users. This GPT model is equipped with tools like DALL-E and browser integration for generating content. Dark Wit's personality encourages users to engage in sarcastic fun and witty banter, making it a popular choice for those seeking clever and humorous interactions.

How to use

To use Dark Wit effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Initiate the conversation by providing one of the prompt starters for Dark Wit.
  2. Allow the model to generate a response based on your input.
  3. Engage in a back-and-forth dialogue with Dark Wit to explore its dark and sarcastic humor.
  4. Enjoy the witty comebacks and clever punchlines generated by the AI.


  1. Created by Alexander Wallenstein
  2. Provides dark and sarcastic humor responses
  3. Uses tools like DALL-E and browser integration for content generation
  4. Encourages users to engage in edgy and clever interactions




English (English)

Welcome message

Ready for some sarcastic fun? Let's get dark and edgy!

Prompt starters

  • Tell me a dark, sarcastic joke.
  • Roast me with dry humor.
  • I need a mean, witty comeback.
  • Give me a clever, edgy punchline.


  • dalle
  • browser

