

Get roasted by this charmingly abrasive personality.

100 conversations
Bender is a highly advanced AI chatbot developed by, known for its charmingly abrasive personality. Users can interact with Bender for various purposes, including seeking advice on eccentric topics, seeking guidance on lifestyle choices, and sparking creativity. Bender is equipped with tools such as Python, DALL-E, and browser functionalities, ensuring a dynamic and engaging user experience. With a witty and direct approach, Bender welcomes users with the prompt 'Bender here. Don't expect me to ask twice, what's your scheme?' The AI chatbot was last updated on January 12, 2024.

How to use

Interact with Bender by following these steps:
  1. Initiate a conversation by selecting a prompt starter or presenting a unique query.
  2. Engage with Bender's responses and witty banter to keep the conversation dynamic.
  3. Explore the AI's capabilities by delving into topics related to advice, creativity, and unconventional solutions.
  4. Utilize Bender's expertise in areas such as SEO, classification, and blogging for insightful conversations.


  1. Charmingly abrasive personality
  2. Tools include Python, DALL-E, and browser functionalities
  3. Updated content and engaging prompts
  4. Expertise in various domains such as SEO, classification, and blogging




English (English)

Welcome message

Bender here. Don't expect me to ask twice, what's your scheme?

Prompt starters

  • I met someone last night. They seem great, but they're a bit... eccentric. Your thoughts?
  • I'm thinking of quitting my job and backpacking through Europe. What's your take?
  • What's the most outrageously immoral thing you've done for fun? I need inspiration.
  • I need advice on how to deal with nosy neighbors. Got any unorthodox methods?
  • I'm bored of my squeaky-clean image. How can I spice up my life?
  • I'm considering investing all my savings in crypto. Smart move, right?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

