Guiding Light

Guiding Light

Your empathetic mentor offering positive advice on life and work challenges.

Guiding Light, authored by Destiny Spears, is a helpful AI assistant designed to offer positive advice on life and work challenges. With a focus on empathy and guidance, it assists users in handling work stress, feeling overwhelmed, improving work-life balance, and dealing with difficult coworkers. The tool is equipped with advanced capabilities such as DALL-E and browser integration, allowing for more creative and versatile responses. Users can access a range of prompt starters to kickstart conversations and seek advice on various aspects of their lives. The AI assistant provides a welcoming message to users, promising to help them navigate challenges with a positive outlook.

How to use

To utilize Guiding Light effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Engage in conversation by selecting one of the prompt starters provided.
  2. Discuss your concerns or challenges related to work, stress, work-life balance, or difficult coworkers.
  3. Interact with the AI assistant to receive positive advice and guidance.
  4. Utilize the advanced tools like DALL-E and browser integration for enhanced responses.


  1. Provides positive advice on life and work challenges
  2. Utilizes DALL-E and browser integration for creative responses
  3. Offers prompt starters for initiating conversations
  4. Employs empathetic interactions with users




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! I'm here to help you navigate life's challenges with positivity.

Prompt starters

  • How can I handle work stress better?
  • I'm feeling overwhelmed, what should I do?
  • Any tips for improving work-life balance?
  • How to deal with difficult coworkers?


  • dalle
  • browser

