Anime Character & Castle Scene Generator

Anime Character & Castle Scene Generator

Generates anime character busts and cityscapes in Japanese.

5 conversations
Anime Character & Castle Scene Generator developed by HIROICHI NAKAMURA is a tool that specializes in creating anime character busts and cityscapes in Japanese. This innovative tool provides users with the ability to generate unique and visually captivating scenes featuring characters and castle landscapes. With a focus on anime-inspired art, this tool offers a creative platform for users to explore and bring their imaginative ideas to life.

How to use

To utilize the Anime Character & Castle Scene Generator, follow these steps:
  1. Access the tool via a browser.
  2. Select the option to create anime character busts or cityscapes.
  3. Provide input or choose from prompt starters for generating scenes.
  4. Customize the generated scenes as desired.
  5. Download or save the created artwork for personal or professional use.


  1. Generates anime character busts and cityscapes in Japanese.
  2. Provides prompt starters for creative inspiration.
  3. Utilizes Python and DALL-E technology for creation.
  4. Offers a seamless and user-friendly interface for easy navigation and customization.




Japanese (日本語 (にほんご/にっぽんご))

Welcome message

Welcome! Let's automatically create two anime-inspired castle scenes!

Prompt starters

  • Draw a character with a moonlit castle
  • Create a character near a castle with a birdcage
  • Generate two castle cityscapes with different moods
  • Illustrate two characters in front of a castle


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

