Character Artist with Backgrounds

Character Artist with Backgrounds

Creates square, text-free, anime character portraits in Japanese.

4 conversations
GPT model 'Character Artist with Backgrounds' by Hiroichi Nakamura creates square, text-free, anime character portraits in Japanese using tools like Python and DALL-E. This model welcomes users to design square-format anime characters and titles without text in the image. Users can generate full-figure anime characters based on prompts related to various themes such as mysterious sorcerers, retro pilots, galactic adventurers, and underwater explorers.

How to use

To use the 'Character Artist with Backgrounds' GPT model:
  1. Access the tool through the provided interface or API.
  2. Select a prompt or provide your own context for generating a full-figure anime character and title.
  3. Generate the anime character portrait without text using the specified tools.
  4. Explore options for creating unique and engaging character designs.


  1. Creates square, text-free anime character portraits in Japanese.
  2. Generates character designs based on predefined prompts or custom contexts.
  3. Uses tools like Python and DALL-E for image generation.




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome! Let's create a square-format anime character and a title for you, without text in the image.

Prompt starters

  • Generate a full-figure anime character for 'mysterious sorcerer'.
  • Create a full-figure anime character from 'retro pilot'.
  • Design a full-figure character for 'galactic adventurer'.
  • Develop a full-figure character and title for 'underwater explorer'.


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

