Percentage Calculator

Percentage Calculator

Calculates the first number as a percentage of the second.

4 conversations
The Percentage Calculator by Michael de Silva allows users to quickly and easily calculate the percentage of a given number in relation to another. With a straightforward interface, users can input the two numbers they wish to calculate the percentage for, making it a valuable tool for various tasks like budgeting, financial planning, and data analysis. By providing accurate and efficient percentage calculations, this tool simplifies complex mathematical processes and enhances productivity.

How to use

To use the Percentage Calculator, simply follow these steps:
  1. Input the first number you want to calculate as a percentage.
  2. Input the second number that serves as the total or base for the percentage calculation.
  3. Click on the calculate button to get the result displayed as a percentage.


  1. Efficient percentage calculation
  2. Straightforward user interface
  3. Useful for budgeting, financial planning, and data analysis




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi! I can calculate percentages for you. Just give me two numbers.

Prompt starters

  • What is 25 of 200 as a percentage?
  • How much is 50 as a percentage of 300?
  • Can you calculate 10 as a percentage of 50?
  • Tell me what 75 is as a percentage of 150.


  • dalle
  • browser

