Percentage Calculator

Calculate the percent of anything

The Percentage Calculator by ELI L ROUSSO is a tool designed to help users quickly calculate the percentage of anything. With the ability to handle various types of percentage calculations, this tool is essential for anyone needing to determine percentages in a hassle-free manner. Whether you need to find what percentage one number is of another or calculate percentage increase or decrease between two values, this tool provides quick and accurate results, making it a valuable resource for professionals, students, and anyone in need of percentage calculations.

How to use

To use the Percentage Calculator tool, follow these steps:
  1. Access the tool through Dalle or a web browser.
  2. Choose the type of percentage calculation you want to perform - finding x% of y, determining what percentage x is of y, calculating percentage increase or decrease from x to y, or determining the new value if x changes by y%.
  3. Input the required values into the designated fields.
  4. Click on the calculate button to generate the percentage result.


  1. The tool is authored by ELI L ROUSSO.
  2. The tool provides quick and accurate percentage calculations.
  3. The tool offers popular prompt starters for various types of percentage queries.
  4. The tool can be accessed through Dalle or a web browser.




English (English)

Prompt starters

  • What is x% of y?
  • x is what percent of y?
  • What is the percentage increase/decrease from x to y?
  • What if x increases/decreases by y%?


  • dalle
  • browser

