GTD Navigator

GTD Navigator

GTD Navigator helps manage your GTD practice by guiding you through weekly reviews, manage projects/actions. It's a specialized AI assistant designed to streamline and enhance your daily productivity following the Getting Things Done methodology by David Allen and friends.

50 conversations
Office Efficiency
GTD Navigator is a specialized AI assistant designed to streamline and enhance daily productivity by guiding users through the Getting Things Done methodology. It offers tools to manage projects and actions, facilitating efficient task management and organization to boost overall productivity and efficiency.

How to use

To effectively utilize GTD Navigator, follow these steps:
  1. Access the AI assistant through the provided platform.
  2. Initiate the assistant by issuing prompts or questions related to your GTD practice.
  3. Engage in weekly reviews and project/action management with the assistance of the AI.
  4. Implement suggestions and adjustments provided by the AI based on the GTD methodology.


  1. Guidance through weekly reviews and project/action management
  2. Support for adhering to the Getting Things Done methodology
  3. Specialized tools for enhancing daily productivity
  4. Tailored assistance for improving task organization and efficiency




English (English)

Welcome message


Prompt starters

  • Guide me through my weekly review.
  • What's my next action?
  • I've fallen off my GTD practice. Tell me one thing I can do right now to get back on the GTD saddle.
  • Suggest adjustments to my next actions list according to what is recommended by the GTD method.
  • Lets work on reviewing my projects list.
  • Lets work on reviewing my next actions list.
  • Lets work on reviewing my someday maybe list.

