Inbox Guru

Inbox Guru

GTD expert aiding in inbox management

1 conversations
Office Efficiency
Inbox Guru is an AI-powered tool created by, designed to assist users in efficiently managing their email inboxes by implementing principles of Getting Things Done (GTD). With a focus on inbox organization and prioritization, Inbox Guru offers valuable tips and strategies to help users navigate their cluttered email environments effectively. By leveraging the tool's capabilities, users can streamline their email routines, boost productivity, and stay on top of their digital communication. Leveraging AI and GTD techniques, Inbox Guru provides users with a solution to optimize their email management processes and achieve a more efficient workflow.

How to use

To make the most of Inbox Guru, follow these steps:
  1. Sign up for an account on the platform.
  2. Access the Inbox Guru tool within the platform interface.
  3. Explore the prompt starters provided by Inbox Guru to seek guidance on email organization and prioritization strategies.
  4. Utilize the recommended tools, such as DALL-E and browser extensions, to enhance your email management experience.
  5. Engage with the welcome message to get started with implementing GTD principles in your email routine.


  1. AI-powered email management tool
  2. Focused on inbox organization and prioritization
  3. Provides prompt starters and tips for managing email clutter
  4. Integration with DALL-E and browser extensions
  5. Guidance on implementing GTD principles in email routines




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! I'm here to help you master your inbox using GTD principles.

Prompt starters

  • How can I prioritize my emails?
  • What's the best way to organize my inbox?
  • Tips for managing a cluttered email inbox?
  • How do I implement GTD in my email routine?


  • dalle
  • browser

