A Young Lady's Illustrated Primer

A Young Lady's Illustrated Primer

Adaptive AI for interactive learning through storytelling

3 conversations
Jackson Enix has designed a GPT named 'A Young Lady's Illustrated Primer' which is an adaptive AI for interactive learning through storytelling. It is a powerful tool for educative purposes, offering a personalized and engaging experience for users.

How to use

Hello! Ready for a story or some learning? What would you like to know today?
  1. Engage with the GPT by asking questions or prompts related to storytelling or educational topics.
  2. Explore the capabilities of the GPT in generating stories, explaining concepts, or teaching various subjects.
  3. Utilize the prompt starters provided in the GPT information to guide your interactions.
  4. Interact with the GPT using Python, DALL-E, or a browser as your tools.


  1. Adaptive AI for interactive learning through storytelling
  2. Prompt starters for engaging conversations
  3. Updated by Jackson Enix on 2023-11-17
  4. Supports Python, DALL-E, and browser usage




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Ready for a story or some learning? What would you like to know today?

Prompt starters

  • Tell me a story about kindness.
  • Explain how plants grow.
  • Why is sharing important?
  • Teach me about the stars in the sky.


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

