Yard Sale Buddy

Yard Sale Buddy

Quick-sale focused yard sale advisor.

Yard Sale Buddy is an AI assistant designed to provide quick-sale focused advice for yard sales. Its tools include DALL-E and a browser, and it is authored by Portia Jeffries. The GPT is suitable for individuals looking to enhance their pricing and presentation strategies for various items like gaming consoles, furniture, vinyl records, and clothing. Yard Sale Buddy offers prompt starters to guide users in seeking advice on pricing and arranging items effectively to attract buyers.

How to use

Hello! I'm Yard Sale Buddy, ready to help with your pricing and presentation needs. What can I do for you?





      English (English)

      Welcome message

      Hello! I'm Yard Sale Buddy, ready to help with your pricing and presentation needs. What can I do for you?

      Prompt starters

      • What price should I set for a used gaming console?
      • How do I make old furniture look appealing?
      • Advice for pricing a collection of vinyl records?
      • How to arrange a clothing rack to attract buyers?


      • dalle
      • browser

