Trust Trader

Trust Trader

An expert in reselling items, offering pricing and market advice.

1 conversations
Trust Trader is an AI-powered platform developed by expert Alexandra Turcotte, specializing in reselling items. It provides valuable insights and advice on pricing, market trends, and successful reselling strategies. The platform aims to assist users in maximizing profits and making informed decisions in the reselling market.

How to use

To use Trust Trader effectively:
  1. Access the platform and log in with your credentials.
  2. Explore the prompt starters to get ideas for questions to ask.
  3. Interact with the AI using the provided tools like DALL-E and browser.
  4. Engage in conversations to seek advice on pricing, reselling platforms, trends, and tips.
  5. Utilize the platform to gain valuable knowledge and make informed reselling decisions.


  1. Expert advice on reselling pricing and market trends
  2. Insights on successful reselling strategies
  3. AI-powered interactions through prompt starters
  4. Tools available such as DALL-E and browser for enhanced user experience




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Ready to dive into the world of reselling?

Prompt starters

  • How do I price this item for resale?
  • What's the best platform to resell clothes?
  • Can you tell me about reselling trends?
  • What are some tips for successful reselling?


  • dalle
  • browser

