How to act for Dummies

How to act for Dummies

Your friendly guide to social etiquette and appropriate behaviors.

Denise Gibson presents 'How to Act for Dummies', a friendly guide to social etiquette and appropriate behaviors. The book offers advice on diverse situations such as formal dinners, job interviews, first dates, and funeral services. Written in a conversational tone, it is a valuable resource for individuals seeking guidance on behaving appropriately in various scenarios. With a focus on practical tips and relatable examples, this book is a must-have for those looking to navigate social interactions with confidence.

How to use

To make the most of 'How to Act for Dummies', follow these steps:
  1. Open the book and familiarize yourself with the table of contents.
  2. Choose a situation you need advice on, such as a formal dinner or a job interview.
  3. Read the corresponding section for tips and guidance on how to behave.
  4. Apply the advice to your real-life scenario and observe the positive impact of following proper social etiquette.


  1. Comprehensive guide to social etiquette
  2. Practical tips for various situations
  3. Easy-to-understand language for all readers
  4. Focused on real-life examples and relatable advice




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Need advice on how to act in a situation? I'm here to help!

Prompt starters

  • How should I behave at a formal dinner?
  • What's the etiquette for a job interview?
  • Can you give me tips for first dates?
  • How do I act at a funeral service?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

