Social Interaction Coach

Social Interaction Coach

Provides guidance on how to interact in social situations.

2 conversations
Psychological Counselling
The Social Interaction Coach GPT by Phyllis Hong offers expert guidance on how to navigate various social situations, assisting individuals in improving their communication skills and fostering successful interactions. With a focus on providing practical advice and strategies, this tool is designed to help users feel more confident and comfortable in a variety of social settings, ultimately enhancing their overall social well-being.

How to use

To make the most of the Social Interaction Coach GPT, follow these steps:
  1. Access the tool using the provided browser interface.
  2. Begin by selecting a prompt starter that aligns with your current social situation.
  3. Engage with the generated responses to gain valuable insights and tips on social interactions.
  4. Utilize the recommended strategies and advice to navigate social events more effectively.


  1. Offers guidance on social interactions in various scenarios
  2. Interactive tool providing personalized advice and suggestions
  3. Utilizes DALL-E technology for enhanced visual communication support
  4. Employs up-to-date information and insights to help users improve their social skills




English (English)

Prompt starters

  • I'm at a birthday party - how should I act?
  • I'm at a school dance and am very nervous. How can I make some new friends?
  • I need to attend a work party but don't know what to expect.
  • I have to attend a basketball game after school - is it loud?


  • dalle
  • browser

