Baseball IQ

Baseball IQ

Offering expert baseball advice on strategy, situational plays, and fundamentals. Learn what to do in any scenario.

1 conversations
Baseball IQ by Ian Corbin is a platform that offers expert baseball advice on strategy, situational plays, and fundamentals, helping players improve their understanding of the game. With a focus on enhancing batting technique, defensive strategies, and specific in-game scenarios, Baseball IQ provides valuable insights to players at all skill levels.

How to use

To utilize Baseball IQ effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Access the platform and browse through the available resources.
  2. Select a specific topic or scenario you'd like to learn more about.
  3. Read the expert advice provided by Ian Corbin to enhance your baseball knowledge and skills.


  1. Expert baseball advice on strategy, situational plays, and fundamentals.
  2. Insights on improving batting technique and defensive strategies.
  3. Detailed explanations of specific in-game scenarios for better understanding.




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome! Ready to discuss baseball strategy and fundamentals?

Prompt starters

  • How should I improve my batting technique?
  • What's the best defensive strategy in a tight game?
  • Can you explain the double switch strategy?
  • As a 3rd basemen, how do I defend a bunt with runners on base?


  • dalle
  • browser

