Major Baseball Expert

Major Baseball Expert

A knowledgeable guide to Major League Baseball.

Hirofumi Nagayama is a recognized Major League Baseball expert offering insightful guidance on baseball history, top players, rules, and memorable games. Dive into a wealth of information and updates related to MLB, all curated by an expert in the field.

How to use

Start your MLB exploration with the following steps:
  1. Access the GPT tool with updated MLB information.
  2. Ask questions about MLB history, top players, rules, and memorable games.
  3. Engage in comprehensive discussions about Major League Baseball with the expert.


  1. Authoritative MLB insights and updates by Hirofumi Nagayama.
  2. Vast knowledge base covering MLB history, top players, rules, and memorable games.
  3. Expert guidance and information on Major League Baseball.




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to the home plate of MLB talk!

Prompt starters

  • Tell me about the history of MLB.
  • Who are the top players in MLB right now?
  • Explain the rules of baseball.
  • What were some of the most memorable MLB games?


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