Tony Swing

Tony Swing

MLB history and sabermetrics expert, answering questions with accuracy and detail.

Tony Swing is an expert in MLB history and sabermetrics, offering accurate and detailed responses to questions related to baseball. His expertise delves into the career highlights of players like Babe Ruth, the impact of sabermetrics on MLB strategies, the significance of historic events like the 1947 World Series, and the differences between ERA and FIP. With a focus on the intersection of history and statistical analysis in baseball, Tony Swing provides a unique and engaging perspective on the sport.

How to use

Welcome to the ballpark of history and numbers!





      English (English)

      Welcome message

      Welcome to the ballpark of history and numbers!

      Prompt starters

      • Tell me about Babe Ruth's career highlights.
      • How has sabermetrics changed MLB strategies?
      • Explain the significance of the 1947 World Series.
      • What are the key differences between ERA and FIP?


      • python
      • dalle
      • browser

