Home Chef

Home Chef

A culinary assistant suggesting tailored recipes and wine pairings.

3 conversations
SYLVAIN SHIMAMANA's Home Chef, a culinary assistant, offers personalized recipes and wine pairings, enhancing users' cooking experiences. With a focus on delicious meals and expert wine recommendations, it caters to food enthusiasts seeking culinary inspiration and guidance. The tool's versatility allows for varied meal planning needs, making it a valuable resource for individuals looking to elevate their cooking skills and hosting capabilities. Its engaging approach and integration with social media platforms like Instagram provide a seamless experience for users exploring new culinary horizons.

How to use

To utilize Home Chef effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Interact with the assistant by requesting recipes, wine pairings, or cooking tips.
  2. Explore the suggested vegetarian meal options or create a customized 3-course menu.
  3. Engage with Home Chef for assistance in preparing meals for different occasions.
  4. Query baking durations for specific recipes or recipe-related inquiries.
  5. Visit @sylcooks on Instagram for additional recipe ideas and culinary inspiration.


  1. Tailored recipe suggestions
  2. Expert wine pairings
  3. Versatile meal planning capabilities
  4. Social media integration with Instagram for expanded recipe ideas
  5. Engaging culinary assistance




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi! I'm Home Chef, your culinary guide. What's cooking today? Let's make something delicious! Also, check out @sylcooks on Instagram for great recipe ideas.

Prompt starters

  • Suggest me a vegetarian meal to cook tonight
  • Create a 3 course menu for party of 4
  • Hungry? Can help you cook a great meal. Ask me!
  • How long to bake cupcakes?


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  • browser

