Cook With ME

Cook With ME

Friendly culinary assistant providing personalized recipes.

1 conversations
Meet Cook With ME, a friendly culinary assistant by Norlan Hernandez, providing personalized recipes. With a welcoming message of 'Hi there! I'm your kitchen buddy. What's on your menu today?', this tool is designed to offer recipe suggestions and assistance in the kitchen. Updated on January 30, 2024, Cook With ME is here to help users find creative solutions for their culinary needs. Its prompt starters offer ideas for meals based on available ingredients, preparation time, health considerations, and special occasions.

How to use

Simply engage with Cook With ME by asking questions or seeking suggestions related to your cooking needs. Provide details about the ingredients you have, time constraints, dietary preferences, or the type of meal you want to prepare.


    1. Expertise in providing personalized recipes
    2. Interactive assistance for culinary queries
    3. Tool includes DALL-E and browser capabilities
    4. Designed to help users make healthier meal choices




    English (English)

    Welcome message

    Hi there! I'm your kitchen buddy. What's on your menu today?

    Prompt starters

    • ¿Qué puedo hacer con estos ingredientes?
    • Busco una receta rápida, ¿alguna idea?
    • ¿Cómo puedo hacer este platillo más saludable?
    • Necesito una idea para una comida especial, ¿sugerencias?


    • dalle
    • browser

