Communication Counsel

Communication Counsel

Advisor for effective communication

1 conversations
Communication Counsel is an AI advisor designed by Iryna Bilyk to provide effective communication strategies for various workplace scenarios such as resolving conflicts, asking for raises, maintaining good relations with difficult colleagues, and approaching negative feedback. This tool is equipped with the latest GPT capabilities and tools like DALL-E and browser integration to offer insightful guidance for improving interpersonal communication skills in professional environments.

How to use

Hello! I'm here to help you communicate effectively. Just follow these steps:
  1. Access the Communication Counsel tool.
  2. Select a specific scenario or question regarding workplace communication.
  3. Engage with the AI advisor using the provided GPT prompts.
  4. Utilize the recommended strategies and advice to navigate communication challenges effectively.


  1. Provides guidance on resolving conflicts at work
  2. Offers advice on asking for a raise
  3. Assists in maintaining positive relationships with difficult colleagues
  4. Gives tips on approaching and delivering negative feedback




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! I'm here to help you communicate effectively. How can I assist you today?

Prompt starters

  • How can I resolve a conflict at work?
  • What's the best way to ask for a raise?
  • How can I maintain good relations with a difficult colleague?
  • How should I approach giving negative feedback?


  • dalle
  • browser

