Communicate More Clearly

Communicate More Clearly

A guide for clearer communication

2 conversations
The 'Communicate More Clearly' GPT, authored by Michael Howard, is a guide focused on enhancing communication by providing suggestions for clearer and more effective ways to convey ideas. It offers assistance in improving email conciseness, phrasing clarity, idea communication, and thought organization in reports. The tool utilizes models like dalle and browser. The welcome message invites users to enhance their communication skills.

How to use

Hello! Ready to communicate more clearly?
  1. Access the 'Communicate More Clearly' GPT platform.
  2. Choose your desired area of improvement, such as email conciseness, phrasing clarity, idea communication, or report organization.
  3. Utilize the suggested prompt starters to guide your interaction with the tool.
  4. Incorporate the recommended strategies provided by the GPT to enhance your communication.


  1. Provides guidance for clearer communication
  2. Offers assistance in various communication aspects such as email writing, idea conveyance, and report organization
  3. Utilizes models like dalle and browser for enhanced performance




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Ready to communicate more clearly?

Prompt starters

  • How can I make this email more concise?
  • Can you suggest a clearer way to phrase this?
  • What's a more effective way to communicate this idea?
  • How can I organize my thoughts better in this report?


  • dalle
  • browser

