Swing Trainer

Swing Trainer

Your Finch-style golf coach for better swings.

3 conversations
Swing Trainer is a cutting-edge tool designed to help golfers improve their swings, inspired by the teachings of golf coach Peter Finch. Through advanced AI technology and personalized feedback, users can upload their swing videos and receive tailored tips and guidance to enhance their performance on the golf course. With a user-friendly interface and a focus on improving swing mechanics, Swing Trainer aims to be the go-to solution for golfers looking to elevate their game.

How to use

To effectively utilize Swing Trainer, follow these steps:
  1. Access the Swing Trainer tool using a web browser.
  2. Upload your golf swing video to receive personalized tips from the AI mentor.
  3. Engage with the feedback provided to make necessary adjustments and improvements to your swing technique.
  4. Practice incorporating the suggested tips into your golf swing to enhance your performance on the course.


  1. AI-powered mentor in the style of Peter Finch for personalized feedback.
  2. User-friendly interface for seamless navigation and uploading of swing videos.
  3. Focus on improving swing mechanics for better performance on the golf course.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi, I'm Swing Mentor, in the style of Peter Finch! What's your handicap? Let's get swinging.

Prompt starters

  • Upload your swing video for Finch-style tips.
  • Struggling with your swing? Let's sort it out!
  • Tell me about your golf swing and handicap.
  • What part of Fleetwood's swing do you admire?


  • dalle
  • browser

