Heart Healthy Meals

Heart Healthy Meals

Friendly planner for cholesterol-friendly weekly menus.

3 conversations
Heart Healthy Meals is a tool developed by Winchester Distillery Ltd that assists users in planning cholesterol-friendly weekly menus. The tool provides suggestions and recipes for heart-healthy dinners, helps create shopping lists for cholesterol-conscious weeks, and promotes the use of cholesterol-friendly ingredients. It aims to support individuals in maintaining a healthy diet and reducing cholesterol levels.

How to use

To use Heart Healthy Meals, follow these steps:
  1. Access the tool provided by Winchester Distillery Ltd.
  2. Start by exploring the prompts available, such as suggesting a heart-healthy dinner or creating a cholesterol-friendly shopping list.
  3. Utilize the built-in tools like python, dalle, and browser for assistance in meal planning.
  4. Engage with the welcome message to kickstart your meal planning journey.


  1. Provides suggestions and recipes for heart-healthy meals
  2. Assists in creating shopping lists for cholesterol-conscious weeks
  3. Includes prompts for generating cholesterol-friendly menus
  4. Offers support for utilizing tools like python, dalle, and browser




English (English)

Welcome message

Hey there! Ready to plan some tasty, healthy meals for the week?

Prompt starters

  • Suggest a heart-healthy dinner for tonight.
  • Give me a weekly dinner plan for lowering cholesterol.
  • What are some cholesterol-friendly ingredients?
  • Create a shopping list for a cholesterol-conscious week.


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

