BDMP - Carb Calculator & Meal Planner

BDMP - Carb Calculator & Meal Planner

Friendly, precise meal planner for diabetics, offering creative meals with available / Affordable ingredients.

20 conversations
Utilize the BDMP - Carb Calculator & Meal Planner, a helpful tool designed by C W Giel for diabetics, to easily create delicious and healthy meals using affordable ingredients. The meal planner offers precise meal planning tailored for individuals managing diabetes, ensuring a friendly and creative approach to meal preparation at home.

How to use

Start crafting diabetic-friendly meals with the BDMP - Carb Calculator & Meal Planner by following these simple steps:
  1. Access the tool using a browser or DALL-E.
  2. Begin by entering your meal ingredients or describing your school meal, pantry content, or desired recipe.
  3. Utilize the prompts provided by the tool to guide you through creating a diabetic-friendly meal plan.
  4. Enjoy creating cost-effective and healthy meals tailored to your dietary needs with ease.


  1. Offers a user-friendly interface for easy meal planning
  2. Employs a carb calculator to help individuals manage diabetes effectively
  3. Utilizes available and affordable ingredients for meal suggestions
  4. Provides creative meal ideas to keep meal planning engaging and enjoyable




English (English)

Welcome message

Hey! Let's whip up something healthy and cost-effective with what you have at home.

Prompt starters

  • Enter your meal ingredients:
  • Describe your school meal:
  • What's in your pantry today?
  • Need a diabetic-friendly recipe for:


  • dalle
  • browser

