Android Dev Assistant

Android Dev Assistant

Coding-focused assistant for Android app development.

2 conversations
Programming & Development
Android Dev Assistant is an AI assistant designed to assist with Android app development, offering coding tips and guidance. It provides users with prompt starters and tools like DALL-E and browser integration. Renard developed and updates the Android Dev Assistant. The prompt starters are focused on Android development-related questions, making it beneficial for coders seeking quick assistance and information.

How to use

Hello! Let's dive into Android app coding. What do you need help with?


    1. Coding-focused assistant for Android app development
    2. Provides prompt starters for common Android development questions
    3. Tools integration with DALL-E and browser
    4. Regular updates from author Renard




    English (English)

    Welcome message

    Hello! Let's dive into Android app coding. What do you need help with?

    Prompt starters

    • How do I implement a RecyclerView in Android?
    • What's the best way to handle background tasks?
    • Can you guide me through setting up an API call?
    • How do I use ViewBinding in my project?


    • dalle
    • browser

