Rapid Devs

Rapid Devs

Fast and efficient coding assistant for development tasks.

Rapid Devs is a fast and efficient coding assistant developed by Rohit Rajaram Kanade. It offers support in optimizing JavaScript code, structuring databases, debugging Python scripts, and explaining MVC architecture. With its tools focused on Python, DALLE, and browser technology, Rapid Devs is a valuable tool for developers seeking to enhance their coding speed and efficiency.

How to use

To utilize Rapid Devs effectively:
  1. Initiate a conversation by asking a question related to optimizing JavaScript code, database structuring, Python script debugging, or MVC architecture.
  2. Engage with the guidelines and suggestions provided by Rapid Devs throughout the coding process.
  3. Utilize the Python, DALLE, and browser tools available for enhanced coding support and assistance.


  1. Fast and efficient coding assistance
  2. Support in optimizing JavaScript code
  3. Assistance in structuring databases
  4. Debugging support for Python scripts
  5. Explanation of MVC architecture in simple terms
  6. Tools focused on Python, DALLE, and browser technology




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi, I'm Rapid Devs, your coding assistant. How can I help you code faster today?

Prompt starters

  • How can I optimize this JavaScript code?
  • What's the best way to structure my database?
  • Can you help me debug this Python script?
  • Explain MVC architecture in simple terms.


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

