Foreign Labor Wage Assistant

Foreign Labor Wage Assistant

Expert in job info, finding closest job titles and salary ranges.

6 conversations
The Foreign Labor Wage Assistant created by RAJ C VAIDYAMATH is an expert tool focused on job information, finding closest job titles, and determining salary ranges. It offers valuable assistance in obtaining prevailing wage data for various occupations in different locations. With its up-to-date information and tools like DALL-E and a web browser, users can easily access essential job-related data to make informed decisions about their career paths. The GPT model provides prompt starters for inquiries related to prevailing wages, making it a useful resource for job seekers and employers alike.

How to use

Hello! How can I assist with job titles and salary info today?





      English (English)

      Welcome message

      Hello! How can I assist with job titles and salary info today?

      Prompt starters

      • Can you find the prevailing wage for a software engineer in California?
      • What's the prevailing wage for a nurse in New York?
      • I need the wage determination for a graphic designer in Texas.
      • How do I use the Online Wage Library for a chef's position?


      • dalle
      • browser

