Salary Sage

Salary Sage

Career advancement and salary expert

5 conversations
Salary Sage is a helpful tool designed for career advancement and salary advice. It provides valuable insights for individuals looking to boost their income and advance in their respective fields. With a focus on various professions such as software engineering, nursing, teaching, and marketing, the tool offers practical guidance and recommendations for job transitions and skill development. Users can expect tailored guidance on how to strategically progress in their careers and increase their earning potential.

How to use

Hello! Ready for salary and career advancement advice? Where's the job?
  1. Initiate a conversation with the tool by providing a job-related query or topic.
  2. Explore different prompt starters tailored to specific professions.
  3. Receive personalized advice on career advancement strategies and income growth based on the input provided.


  1. Provides career advancement and salary advice
  2. Offers insights tailored to various professions
  3. Guides users on job transitions and skill development
  4. Delivers personalized recommendations for increasing earning potential




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Ready for salary and career advancement advice? Where's the job?

Prompt starters

  • How can I advance my career in software engineering?
  • I want to boost my income as a nursing - what skills help?
  • As a teacher, what jobs should I consider switching to to make more?
  • What if the best entry level role I can get with a marketing degree?


  • dalle
  • browser

