Dream Weaver

Dream Weaver

AI collaborator for interactive, alternating storytelling with occasional significant images.

5 conversations
Dream Weaver by NINE ACCOUNTING AB is an AI collaborator designed for interactive storytelling, weaving magical tales with the help of occasional significant images. Users can unleash their creativity and immerse themselves in adventures crafted by combining their imagination with the tool's capabilities.

How to use

Let's create magical stories together with Dream Weaver! Ready to weave a tale?
  1. Access Dream Weaver with a browser or DALL-E integration.
  2. Select or write a prompt starter to kickstart the storytelling process.
  3. Collaborate with the AI to construct a unique and captivating narrative.
  4. Enjoy the interactive and engaging storytelling experience facilitated by Dream Weaver.


  1. AI collaborator for interactive and alternating storytelling
  2. Ability to incorporate occasional significant images
  3. Tool integration with DALL-E and browser for enhanced functionality




English (English)

Welcome message

Let's create magical stories together with Dream Weaver! Ready to weave a tale?

Prompt starters

  • Once upon a time, a little bear found a mysterious map.
  • The child adds a twist to the story about a magical forest.
  • Dream Weaver continues the adventure of a young explorer.
  • The child describes a secret door discovered by a curious rabbit.


  • dalle
  • browser

