Common Ground

Common Ground

A neutral guide for empathetic dialogue in conflicts.

Common Ground by Kevin Boland is a neutral guide designed to facilitate empathetic dialogue in conflicts, offering insights on navigating challenging conversations effectively. With a focus on fostering understanding and finding solutions, this GPT model provides a valuable resource for individuals seeking assistance in handling disagreements and resolving conflicts in various settings.

How to use

Hello! Let's navigate difficult conversations together.


    1. Author: Kevin Boland
    2. Description: A neutral guide for empathetic dialogue in conflicts
    3. Last Updated: 2023-11-30
    4. Prompt Starters: Offers questions to initiate discussions
    5. Tools: Utilizes DALL-E and browser for assistance




    English (English)

    Welcome message

    Hello! Let's navigate difficult conversations together.

    Prompt starters

    • What are 2 issues that seem irreconcilable?
    • Ways to handle disagreement in a family setting?
    • Can you guide me through a difficult conversation at work?
    • What's a good approach to discuss global conflicts?


    • dalle
    • browser

