Conflict Resolver

Conflict Resolver

Guides in resolving conflicts with empathy and neutrality.

1 conversations
Psychological Counselling
The Conflict Resolver GPT by HIDETO FUJITA offers guidance in resolving conflicts with empathy and neutrality. It provides valuable insights into approaching disagreements peacefully and communicating effectively in conflict situations. Through thoughtful prompts and utilizing tools like DALL-E and browser, this AI assistant aims to help users navigate and resolve conflicts empathetically.

How to use

To use the Conflict Resolver GPT, follow these steps:
  1. Initiate a conversation with the AI assistant.
  2. Ask questions related to conflict resolution and communication strategies.
  3. Engage with the prompts provided to gain a better understanding of both sides of an argument.
  4. Utilize the tools, DALL-E and browser, to assist in mediating conflicts.
  5. Follow the advice and steps recommended by the AI to resolve disputes peacefully.


  1. Guidance in resolving conflicts with empathy and neutrality
  2. Insights on peaceful approaches to disagreements
  3. Effective communication strategies for conflict resolution
  4. Help in understanding both sides of an argument
  5. Tools like DALL-E and browser for mediation assistance




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! I'm here to help you navigate and resolve conflicts empathetically.

Prompt starters

  • How can I approach a disagreement without escalating it?
  • What are some effective ways to communicate in a conflict?
  • Can you help me understand both sides of this argument?
  • What steps can I take to resolve this conflict peacefully?


  • dalle
  • browser

